Oh well, what can we say? A month’s delay in obtaining our second instalment resulted our inability to purchase the planned number of white pepper machines because prices escalated exorbitantly with the floating rupee and 80% inflation. We had to do some quite recalibration and readjustment based on other community needs that we were able to cover with our limited funds. So, oorid seed spliters and hand-tractors were added to the mix and the number of white pepper machines reduced.
We are being watchful on this matter and will provide them to the communities through their respective VLMAs, RBMAs since most of these will be placed on privately held areas and we know full well that there are strong opportunities for those people to end up commandeering for themselves what was provided for the entire community. We have seen that happen with other projects that have run their course in the same terrain and will not have that happen to COLIBRI provided machinery inputs.