WG2 report out


Two days ago the report of Working Group II that forms part of the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC was tabled. While the first part focused on the β€œphysical science basis” of the Earth’s changing climate, the second report presents the latest evidence on the impacts of climate change and the ways of adapting to them.It details how the β€œrise in weather and climate extremes has led to some irreversible impacts as natural and human systems are pushed beyond their ability to adapt”. The full report was published on 28 February following a two-week online approval session where government delegates met to agree line-by-line the high-level summary for policymakers (SPM).


In it, for the first time, the IPCC notes that climate change is already contributing to humanitarian crises and that it does not affect everyone around the world equally but those who are poorest and least able to adapt. Proffesor Hans-Otto Poertner said that The science is unequivocal: any further delay will miss the brief window we have to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all while Dr. Lisa Schipper says that the development of the concept of climate-resilient development is the most exciting part of the report. Overall, the major take-home articulated by Dr. Carol Franco was that there was an urgent need for action in order to achieve a sustainable and climate-resilient world and, that “we can’t postpone it, the costs of inaction are too great and we are not on track.

Please find the GMSL’s take on this here.

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