We may not value law but we value custom

Our people never had laws. Instead, we had sirith or customs. Those customs were built over thousands of years of experiment and experience. They balanced the relationship between kings, subjects, birds, beasts, trees, flowers. They arose of the need to create harmony between all things living. Now, we have laws. They are young in years and built for other types of people living in other types of societies. Most of what we call our law is their law. All of it is imported and none of it is important. Our people do not see their relevance to our society. Our people will consider laws as a last resort. Even then, even if all else fails, we may never go to the law for relief. This is because there is a meanness to them. A lie to them. A manipulation in them. A debilitation within them. So we break those laws and feel no regret or guilt because we see how false they are. But we will never break our sirith. To do so is worse than death because if we break them, even in the slightest measure, we tear to pieces, the very fabric of harmonious coexistence and none of us can live after having committed such a heinous crime.

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IUCN World Conservation Congress Closes with Marseille Manifesto

As climate and biodiversity emergencies escalate, the IUCN’s World Conservation Summit, originally slated to be held in 2020 but postponed to 2021 came to a close in Marseille, France today. The weeklong program was held in part on site and part remote due to the continuous threats posed by the pandemic.   The congress identified that the climate and biodiversity...
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15 nations including Sri Lanka in 2022 VNR

Collen Vixen Kelapile, president of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) said that four additional countries join the previous 11 including Sri Lanka in presenting their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) to the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Develop (HLPF). The deadline for new EOIs has been set for 17 September 2021.   The VNRs, which have become a...
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largest source of lead pollution no more!

In a welcome outcome amidst much bad news, the UN Environment Program has announced that the use of lead in petrol has been stopped around the world after a multistakeholder effort that commenced back in 2002. A gradual ban across the world’s countries and regions ended with the complete phase-out that has now been completed.   The Tetraethyllead that had...
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El NiΓ±o is hell bent on severely disrupting Sri Lanka’s already hammered economy!

El NiΓ±o is hell bent on severely disrupting Sri Lanka’s already hammered economy!

Back in May 2023,Β I reported on the spike in ocean temperatures and issued our own warning to the people to get ready for a good old climate face-punch/kidney sock/kick to the nether human regions. Β I doubt that warning had any effect. In Sri Lanka, we try to stop things after those things have stopped hitting us and gone on to...

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Water Water Everywhere… but…?

Water Water Everywhere… but…?

Even as I write, the UN’s first water conference in an entire generation is into its first formal session after a day of side events at the UNHQ, NYC, USA. That the water issue is top of the heap of world threatening crises is a given. On one side it is a crisis in itself, on another side it is...

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First, we thought that the earth was at the center of the universe. Next, we knew that sun is at the center of that small sliver of the universe we might call our own. Now? Now we believe, each and every one of us, that we are, individually, the center of every universe.   We have gone from geocentricity to...

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