We like to be like the bee

The bee draws nectar off a flower without harming either its color or its fragrance, and ensures the survival of genetic strains by facilitating cross-pollination. A wise man once observed “The sky does not become less private although it belongs to everyone else”. In other words, our individuality is not necessarily disturbed by our sensitivity to and identification with the collective. The bee, we should not forget is an insect that knows “community”. This is why, when the ancients tell us to follow the example of the bee, they are in fact advising us that gentleness along will not save us, or our earth. We firmly believe that it is the tenderness of solidarity deeply rooted untraditional wisdom, which empowers better and beneficial engagement. This way, we believe, leads to a full flowering of gentleness on the earth, in her waters and her skies.

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Recent News

IPCC issues code red warning to the world

The evidence is irrefutable: greenhouse gas emissions are choking our planet & placing billions of people in danger. Global heating is affecting every region on Earth, with many of the changes becoming irreversible. We must act decisively now to avert a climate catastrophe tweeted UN Secretary General António Guterres in response to the IPCC’s WG1 report published August 9th 2021....
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Recent Blog Posts

El Niño is hell bent on severely disrupting Sri Lanka’s already hammered economy!

El Niño is hell bent on severely disrupting Sri Lanka’s already hammered economy!

Back in May 2023, I reported on the spike in ocean temperatures and issued our own warning to the people to get ready for a good old climate face-punch/kidney sock/kick to the nether human regions.  I doubt that warning had any effect. In Sri Lanka, we try to stop things after those things have stopped hitting us and gone on to...

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Water Water Everywhere… but…?

Water Water Everywhere… but…?

Even as I write, the UN’s first water conference in an entire generation is into its first formal session after a day of side events at the UNHQ, NYC, USA. That the water issue is top of the heap of world threatening crises is a given. On one side it is a crisis in itself, on another side it is...

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First, we thought that the earth was at the center of the universe. Next, we knew that sun is at the center of that small sliver of the universe we might call our own. Now? Now we believe, each and every one of us, that we are, individually, the center of every universe.   We have gone from geocentricity to...

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