Let us agree not to disagree

The Industrial Age was defined by selfishness, self-servitude and ego and even good people were not immune to those combined blights. Even that minority of great human beings who fought for a sustainable world were not immune to the bug of β€œindustrialitis” with each small pocket doing their own little thing thinking that their way was not only the right way but the only way. This rude, misguided righteousness had the negative result it deserved. Instead of pooling resources and strengths to help the common push towards sustainability, they ended up fighting each other to the point where the common enemy became a lesser enemy that those very people that they should be called friends. The next person with an alternative idea of how to achieve sustainability became a greater demon than the industrial dragon itself. Friends, sustainability is complex and requires a fundamental kindness and empathy among its proponents. Therefore, let us not work with the stupidity of industrial age mindsets in our ongoing effort to shift to sustainability. We do not have to agree but at the very least, let us agree not to disagree.

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WG2 report out

Two days ago the report of Working Group II that forms part of the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC was tabled. While the first part focused on the β€œphysical science basis” of the Earth’s changing climate, the second report presents the latest evidence on the impacts of climate change and the ways of adapting to them.It details how the...
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Huge methane plumes from leaks mapped from outer space

Satellites have mapped for the first time, the massive plumes of methane leaking from oil and gas fields. These leaks, mostly thought to be unintended cover vast areas stretching as much as 200 miles at times and shows the true footprint of oil and gas operations for the first time says Riley Duren, an author of the paper and CEO...
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Raid assessing CC risks to coastal cities

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) with the Commonwealth secretariat are in the process of conducting a rapid assessment of the risks posed by climate change to coastal cities. The whole exercise is being coordinated under the Commonwealth Blue Charter. The Stimson Center has created a 100 item index called the Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability Index (CORVI) as a...
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Recent Blog Posts

El NiΓ±o is hell bent on severely disrupting Sri Lanka’s already hammered economy!

El NiΓ±o is hell bent on severely disrupting Sri Lanka’s already hammered economy!

Back in May 2023,Β I reported on the spike in ocean temperatures and issued our own warning to the people to get ready for a good old climate face-punch/kidney sock/kick to the nether human regions. Β I doubt that warning had any effect. In Sri Lanka, we try to stop things after those things have stopped hitting us and gone on to...

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Water Water Everywhere… but…?

Water Water Everywhere… but…?

Even as I write, the UN’s first water conference in an entire generation is into its first formal session after a day of side events at the UNHQ, NYC, USA. That the water issue is top of the heap of world threatening crises is a given. On one side it is a crisis in itself, on another side it is...

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First, we thought that the earth was at the center of the universe. Next, we knew that sun is at the center of that small sliver of the universe we might call our own. Now? Now we believe, each and every one of us, that we are, individually, the center of every universe.   We have gone from geocentricity to...

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