IPCC issues code red warning to the world


The evidence is irrefutable: greenhouse gas emissions are choking our planet & placing billions of people in danger. Global heating is affecting every region on Earth, with many of the changes becoming irreversible. We must act decisively now to avert a climate catastrophe tweeted UN Secretary General António Guterres in response to the IPCC’s WG1 report published August 9th 2021.


The trouble that the Greens predicted back in 1994 has come to pass with the IPCC scientists warning the world that things are literally hotting up. For the first time, it has directly tied human activity to climate change with irrefutable evidence that shows that many climate issues such as the warming factor, the rise of sea levels is irreversible. The current continent destroying Quick Onset Events (QOEs) such as the European, Central American and Chinese floods, the the wildfires in Southern Europe, California and Sibera prove this is not a drill anymore. COP 26 looms in the near future and this is a make or break situation. It is pertinent to Sri Lanka in that our own climate has shown us that we are rapidly going in the same direction with the nation being water negative over the last seven years, at least two floods per year, the wet zone experiencing torrential rains for over six months a year being just an indicator of worse things to come. While it is easy to sensationalize these eventualities that won’t get anyone anywhere. Therefore, we soberly request the government of Sri Lanka to prepare for COP 26 with some concrete actions with respect to adaptation and mitigation. This is especially true with respect to loss and damage where now, it can prove that development or exploitative activities in other parts of the world have directly impacted the climate losses in the country and we should join the lobby to obtain fair redress for the problems that others have created.

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