While Sri Lanka is the “coolest” country in South Asia, India’s land’s surface temperature rose to a high of 62 degrees Celsius yesterday. While we were aware that the Indian subcontinent’s main landmass (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan) would be in the red zone for water by 2030 this seems way too early. It is also a sober reflection on how ill-planned capital driven development has caused it to cut down its forests, break soil mountains and black rock, create wet grounds etc. can turn around and take a serious chunk out of a nation’s rear end. It is now indeed the hottest summer in the mainland area and we are getting our fair share of hot days. Sure, Sri Lanka has its own set of problems to deal with but we cannot solve those by cannibalizing our natural resources – something that may actually be asked for by our creditors. We MUST stop that from happening. We are in the green zone so far but not for long if we let these things happen to us.