As the world prepares for COP26, the BBC reports that a leak reveals that rich countries are lobbying hard to have the WG1 physical science report diluted with Australia, Saudi Arabia and Japan asking the UN to water down the need to immediately shift away from fossil fuels.
Additionally, some of those countries are also asking why they must pay poorer countries to switch to green tech. It seems as if none of these nations have learned the simple truth that their actions will not only destroy everyone else’s house but pull their own house down about their ears first. It also questions what most countries that had nothing to do with the climate crisis have continued to ask the richer countries – “what the hell is wrong with you?”
This pushback on UN strategic recommendations comes just days before these governments have to make significant commitments to ensure the temperature does not rise about 1.5 degrees Celsius and the leaked documents consist of over 32,000 submissions by various players and stakeholders including governments, businesses and individuals to the scientists who are cobbling this whole report together to collate the best scientific evidence to wrestle down climate change.
Investigative journalists from Greenpeace obtained the latest cache comments as well as the latest draft who then passed it on to the BBC.
As the Catholic Church wanted science to bend to their view and attempted to use force to mangle truth, the business world is attempting the same now. An Australian government official does not believe that closing coal power plants is needed despite that being one of the goals of this COP. Indian “scientists” subscribing to convenience are claiming that coal will have to be used for decades to fuel rural India despite the fallacy of that claim and possibly because it is the second biggest user of coal. Alarm bells are ringing across the OPEC nations with a Saudi official calling for such species survival phrases as “the focus of decarbonisation efforts in the energy systems sector needs to be on rapidly shifting to zero-carbon sources and actively phasing out fossil fuels” need to be struck off the report completely.
It is amusing that it is the chief polluters and chief consumers of fossil fuels who argue vociferously for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and net-zero which has been already proven to be doubtful in terms of expense and reliability. The same arguments that they insisted on using until recently to regularly destroy the shift to renewable energies. This nonsense is still being touted simply to enable those nations to continue with business-as-usual.
The harshest possible critique of the state-of-the-world has come with the latest report and when the truth is exposed, those arguing for the lie, lobbying for the fallacy, driving for continued existence in their own comfort zones are, even at this writing, attempting to kill some language that will kill their misplaced financial dominance in the world. They are desperate urging statements such as “lobby activism, protecting rent extracting business models, prevent political action” which they have indulged in for decades be struck off the report.