Covenants and Conferences

The world is increasingly understanding the folly of engaging in brown and black business approaches even if it is not yet quite ready to espouse the alternative –green business practices….

Actually, it is a host of problems that started off with one problem: Development astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia. I am being kind here. What I just said could be termed…

Frightening rise in temperatures:   For four years in row, ocean temperatures broke the previous year’s all-time record. A team of international scientists belonging to 16 institutes from across the…

À vaillant coeur rien d’impossible   The COLIBRI journey is done. The two year path we trod… with its usual pitfalls, snags, thorns, leeches and busted SUV engines is over….

Well now. Was this an inauspicious start or what? Let me explain.   We had our strategy down pat and aired to all at the kick-off meet held in March….

In a first for recognition of climate stability as a human right, the Swiss Senior Women for Climate Protection (KlimaSeniorinnen) made history by taking their government to the top human…

What will happen if all of the ice on planet earth melted due to global warming? The before and after pictures below show riven and gashed continental masses. Cities such…

Moving forwards with the debate started in Glasgow (COP 26), one of the three round tables on day 2 was all about the buzz related to transitioning to a so-called…

Monitoring our forests and trees is quick and it is easy with tech innovation. The SDG Knowledge Hub, the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) has brought attention to the…

In a year that saw the IPCC’s AR6 tabled and its contents analyzed and discussed by literally millions of people on earth, the next COP is shaping up to be…

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