First, we thought that the earth was at the center of the universe. Next, we knew that sun is at the center of that small sliver of the universe we might call our own. Now? Now we believe, each and every one of us, that we are, individually, the center of every universe.
We have gone from geocentricity to heliocentricity to anthropocentricity. Or, in other words, we have gone from ignorance to science to insanity.

Where … oh where are we going?
It is not a chance occurrence. We have nurtured this view in every human being for at least four centuries now and it is part of our DNA. Anthropocentricity, or better, ego, or even better, dumbassedness is here to stay and its own action upon ourselves has rendered us too stupid to know it. Or its horror.
It has permeated and spidered into every facet of human existence, every component of human endeavor, every thought, every word, every deed. We are, at every step wading into and through a sewage sludge made up of a toxic mix of asininity, idiocy, mediocrity, madness and meagerness. Bloating our tiny individual existences to encompass a universe, we constantly attempt to present that useless thing we are as the wonderful thing we think we are. In our flawed minds, we are it and a bit. In our living reality, we are less than nothing.
Yet, we strive mightily to protect our veneer. Our faΓ§ade. Our front. To let even the slightest crack appear in that shell is to allow all to see the fear, the foul, the fool that gave rise to that very cocoon of protection we have forced ourselves to build around us β just so we can pretend to ourselves that we are in good order. Yet, that armor plating is made of eggshell. It is woven out of Gossamer threads. Be it a diploma or a degree, a business or a bank account, a perm or a pedicure, a position or a propertyβ¦ it takes seconds to punch right through those supposed protective devises that are, to all intents and purposes, panic created prisons, all the way to their creatorβs fail and the fall. All the way to the diseased mind and the rotting heart that gives life to those very things. To the weakly pulsing apology for a life that has believed itself to be the center of every universe because it has managed to shut that universe out through its self-wrought shields.
Whither thenβ¦ is the fate of us? When we have brought ourselves to believe, as individuals, that we are the wheels and cogs, mechanics and motor, mover and shaker of this spinning carousel that we call earth, little knowing that we are the tied down, glassy eyed horses that are doomed to go endlessly and mindlessly aroundβ¦ whither thenβ¦the results of that craziness? Well, the natural order that keeps the spinning orb alive is about to run out of energy, about to run out of systems, run out of orderβ¦ it is just about ready to have its wheels come off.
We did this to that. We gave the living earth no quarter so we do not deserve to be given any by the world. It will continue to spin β with one exception at least β we wonβt be spinning with it.
We are almost doneβ¦